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 In the heart of this medieval village dominated by three rocky peaks, places which are unique and rich in charm.  Brisighella is myseterious on winter days and even more fascinating on summer evenings, when a return is made to the use of the antique light of flame torches ande the village is brought to life by street entertainers, axhibitions , concerts, banquests nad markets.

Brisighella, an ancinet medieva and themal village, is the gem of the luxuriant Lamone village which can be easily reached also thanks to the fascinating railway connection from rich in traditions, herbs,architectural and naturalistic beauties which certifying its excellences and ist quality of life: Borghi più Bella d'Italia, Cittaslow, Bandiera Arancione of the Touring Club Italiano. Its unmistakable outline is dominated by three rocke peaks .The Torre del'Orologio (bell tower) has a ninteenth-century structure but a medieval basement and it dominates the first peak. The imposing and majestic fourteenth-century Rocca manfrediana stands on the second peak and it still has yhe charactrisitice of a medieval stronghold. Finally, on the third peak stands the Santuario della Madonna, an eighteenth-century small temple.At the foot of the Torr'Orologio stands  the village which windes in a maze of ancient streets , stretches of city wall and stairs carved in the chalk. Lovers of trekking and mountain bikes can visit the natural beauties of the Vena del Gesso Romagnola Park. There is wide choice for lovers of food and wine , the first Brisighella oil, delicious"Mora Romagnola"(a celebrated Romagna breed of pig) charcuterie and wines from Romagna including Sangiovese DOC and Albana DOCG, local produce, fully sxploited by the numerous quality restaurant and holiday farmhouses of the area and that can be bought from independent retailers and from the premises next to the Tourist Office.

Also known as the Road of the Donkeys, because it was once the trail for caravans of donekeys going to the chslk quarriers. This elevated and covered road was once the nucleus of the town's defensive forfications.


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